Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yahoo Account 's Theft Problem

Recently my friend experience theft email yahoo, therefore I had solicited pieces of information to mengelakan the matter become to consumers email yahoo.. Consumer email yahoo necessary remember postcode, address and secret question with with answer. Apart from that, make sure also be email other to seek the password back. Hereunder was link for theft problem account Yahoo..

Monday, January 4, 2010


Here I wish to share on Naruto story become warm among children, youth and adult and veteren. Usually I see this Naruto 's story of this website :

In fact I certainly have a liking for with Naruto story since firstly this story introduced but because I very busy, finally this story I neglect also. I neglect story because too many these episode episode I left out.

When I continue learn, I did not think the interest of I coming back because have friend like this Naruto 's story. Although many left out, I follow also this Naruto 's story development. If not mistaken, from Naruto Shippuden episode 70 I follow until now.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Expression year 2009 and 2010

Finally year 2009 already left us and caused year 2010 but do this year equal to year 2009. Surely were people who said yeah and not but for my opinion, daily is passed was different and surely year also was different because it is similar times which already we give up or we cross..

In time a year in 2009 the, many I study on know the meaning of life irrespective on time learn, work as learn, political, religious, know life in people place and what not. From day to day, each what learned will be inferred to develop self this.

Hoped in year 2010, I would improve lack in myself compared in the year 2009. What I cultivate in myself am making daily resolve because it better than make new year resolution which prevent this self of changed.

Akhirnya tahun 2009 sudah meninggalkan kita dan didatangkan tahun 2010 tapi adakah tahun ini sama dengan tahun 2009. Pastinya ada yang mengatakan ya dan tidak tapi bagi pendapat saya, setiap hari yang dilalui adalah berlainan dan pastinya tahun juga adalah berlainan kerana ianya adalah sama seperti masa-masa yang sudah kita tinggalkan atau kita lalui..

Dalam masa setahun pada 2009 itu, banyak yang saya pelajari mengenai mengenal erti kehidupan tidak mengira kepada masa belajar , kerja sambil belajar , politik , keagamaan , mengenal kehidupan di tempat orang dan macam-macam lagi. Dari hari ke hari , setiap apa yang dipelajari akan dibuat kesimpulan untuk memajukan diri ini.

Diharap pada tahun 2010 ini , saya akan memperbaiki kekurangan pada diri saya berbanding pada tahun 2009 itu. Apa yang saya tanamkan pada diri saya adalah membuat azam harian kerana ianya lebih baik daripada membuat azam tahun baru yang menghalang diri ini daripada berubah.